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Cat Proverbs




I was already mentinoned as Tiger's girl friend, that is right actually. My name is Mizzi. There are people who call me something else, because I use to hiss when they stroke my backside. But that therefore they call me "Lout-cat" is quit cheeky. Because anyway I am a lovely one.
Ten years ago my masters picked me up from an animal-shelter, it was love at first sight, and so I already was hard on their heels to that time, too. They namely exactly know what I like. I mostly like to go to my female master, but when she is not there I be content with my master, too. When I'm outside I enjoy beeing stroked by strange people, but only on my head, otherwise I hiss, like I told you.


Does a stranger appear?
I most everytime keep close to my home and therefore Tiger has visited me here nearly ever. In summer I love to sleep outside in the garden. There is a lake with goldfishes. I sometimes put my foot into it, but no, however it is too wet for me.

Please stroke my head.
By the way there is also a lake with fishes in the house but it looks some different. When it is cold and wet outside I like to sleep below my masters' bed. There I purr as long until it doesn't please me any longer.
With my feed I'm very choosy. A meal with fish out of the bag is the greatest thing for me. For a change I also accept dry feed. When my masters sometimes go on holiday a foster family cares for me. But I must say that I am very sad then, because mostly I like to be with my male parents. Unfortunately Tiger, my best friend of cats has moved now. There I can't come with, but what has happened to him perhaps you will get to know in the next story.

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The next issue 'Cats talk' will be published on July 1 2007.
         A cornered cat becomes as fierce as a lion.

If you don't feed the cats you must feed the rats.

Wanton kittens make sober cats.

The cat is a good friend but she scratches.
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