I took photographs of wildt-growing plants right around a big empty superstore.
This series of photos is also a comparison between black-and-white photos and color photos.
A shrub came up out of plinth of a flagpole.
A little plant throve in the lee of a bollard.
A near-ground plant survived under the cover of a bollard. It didn't get trodden underfoot.
The passer-bys had always kept their distance to the bollard. |
The entrance to the car park of the store hadn't been tended for a considerable time.
Grasses and wild flowers grew rampant in the cracks between the slabs.
Climbing plants had inhabited the outer fence of the grounds of the superstore.
The curtain of plants was so thick that one wasn't able to take a look at the grounds.
This photo shows the curtain of plants from another angle.
The plot boundary of the neighbouring company grounds, which you see in the foreground, was clear of weeds.
Please also read Places 14
Charlie Dittmeier's report about the trees, which grew rampant in the area of the temple ruins at Angkor Wat, is also worth reading. The article is dated December 23 2002.
The international poster organisation Loesje has started a project to train young people from all over Europe and Asia in how to organise and coordinate information campaigns about the Millennium Development Goals. |
These goals are set by the United Nations to fight poverty and to improve living standards world wide.
Next issue 'The Daily Groove'
on Friday, September 12 2008
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Please also read Cats Talk (39)