I photographed the narrow sides of road signs and a hoarding.
I very deliberately took the photographs in a way that the information on the signs were not readable.
The poster on a big hoarding at the edge of a busy road was advertising a musical. A driver of a passing car could probably only perceive a logo and a big lettering. On an advertising pillar at the next corner I saw an other poster, which was also advertising the musical.
The information on this advance direction sign is part of an information system. Road markings and other direction signs belong to this system. The real information is recorded on a quite fine film on the surface of the sign.
Another view of this advance direction sign please see Angles of Vision 4
This sign at the entrance of pedestrianized path in our residential estate points to the fact, that people have to keep the entrance clear for fire-fightning vehicles.
Beside this one there are no other signs at the side of the path.
This little sign had been fixed to railings by means of wire.
The inscription was 'Privat railings Don't lean bicycles against the fence and attach it!
I took a photo of two street name signs and a traffic sign from below. The steel cables are the fixture of the trolley wire and a street lighting lamp.
You wouldn't be able to read the inscription of the street name signs at night, if there was no street lighting.
I photographed this traffic sign also from below. The sign has been buckled. I saw the sign at the entrance of an unsurfaced path.
The symbols on the sign mean, that it is forbidden to enter the path by car or motorcycle.
Please also read
Back Walls 3
Angles of Vision 2
Charlie Dittmeier's report about the increasing number of street signs. The article is dated January 1 2009.The link leads to the latest entry of the diary. Please scroll down, if necessary.
The international poster organisation Loesje has started a project to train young people from all over Europe and Asia in how to organise and coordinate information campaigns about the Millennium Development Goals. |
These goals are set by the United Nations to fight poverty and to improve living standards world wide.
Next issue 'The Daily Groove'
on Friday, January 30 2009
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Please also read Cats Talk (41)