When I deliver the paper in the early morning, I sometimes run across a man who also does his work at this time of day. A few days ago he told me that he lived in a so-called 'deprived area' in a suburb.
That was the reason why I biked to this area in a west suburb and took some photographs of things which catched my eye.
At a wall I saw a prohibtion sign 'You are forbidden by the police to play soccer'. It irritated me. So I asked a policeman at the police station in the suburb.
He gave me the not surprising information that the police hadn't forbidden to play soccer at that place.
I photographed the same prohibtion sign from a different point of view. The grinning cuddly toy in the window has a comforting effect.
It softens the strictness of the prohibition sign a little bit.
A resident installed a surveillance camera right in front of a street window.
I saw an other camera also right in front of a street window of the opposite house.
In front of several houses there were chairs in some of which people already sat in that sunny, warm morning.
This idyll was affected a little bit adversely by a rat bait (down on the right). Please also read Entrances 1 and
Little artworks on green verges
The graffiti 'whore show respect' dominated a wall in that area.
The alternation of capitals and minuscules is conspicuous.
Please also see
Encounters 8
Back Walls 4
Please also read Charlie Dittmeier's report about the Khmer New Year. The report gives a lot of insights into the life situation of the poorest residents of Phnom Penhs.
The international poster organisation Loesje has started a project to train young people from all over Europe and Asia in how to organise and coordinate information campaigns about the Millennium Development Goals. |
These goals are set by the United Nations to fight poverty and to improve living standards world wide.
Next issue 'The Daily Groove'
on Friday, May 8 2009
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Please also read Cats Talk (42)