I photographed fences which largely mark the border of secured private or state areas.
I took the photographs only in districts which are located on the left bank of the Weser River.
In order to get attuned please take a look at this photograph of a vast meadow at the periphery. There is no fence in sight.
Razor barb wire at the top of a building site fence in a business park
A factory gate
Different fences coincide.
A hedge has grown into a fence.
Safety fence at the edge of a sports area
A protection fence around a radio-technical installation
(also see visual axis from Frauenburger Weg to the power station Hastedt
A fence at a road bridge
A pasture fence
Please also see
Cuts 1
Cuts 4
Cuts 5
Please also read Charlie Dittmeier's report about the fact, that an enclosure of a property is a sign of hope in Cambodia. The report is dated Mai 2 2009. The link leads to the latest entry of the diary. Please scroll down, if necessary.
The international poster organisation Loesje has started a project to train young people from all over Europe and Asia in how to organise and coordinate information campaigns about the Millennium Development Goals.
These goals are set by the United Nations in order to fight poverty and to improve living standards world wide.
Next issue 'The Daily Groove'
on Friday, May 22 2009
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We would like to point out that we translated articles from German into English for the purpose of service. We would like to make it clear that the German translations are deciding, because the articles are directed to users who live in Germany.
Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass wir zu Servicezwecken englische Übersetzungen vorgenommen haben. Klarstellen möchten wir, dass maßgeblich die deutsche Übersetzung ist. Grund dessen ist, dass wir uns an in Deutschland ansässige Nutzer wenden.
Please also read Cats Talk (42)