I went to border areas between different lifeworlds in the city of Bremen
I often photographed those border areas from different views.
This picture shows the back of a barrier at the end of the Nollendorfer Road.
The Nollendorfer Road ... -->>
.... ends at a noise barrier.
Behind the noise barrier the traffic hums along the Nollendorfer Road.
The photograph shows the wall which runs around the cemetery 'Buntentor'. On the other side of the wall runs the Korn Road.
There is the store 'Happy Shopping'.
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The picture show the border area between a high rise estate (to the left) and an area of large single-family detached houses (to the right) in the suburb Vahr.
The border consists of a hardly visible rustic fence.
next picture
The photograph shows the area of single-family detached houses and the high rise estate from nearly the opposite point of view.
At that place the border consists of a little bit larger green area and a higher fence.
Please also see
Angles of Vision 2
Cuts 2
Cuts 4
Cuts 5
Please also take a look Charlie Dittmeier's photograph of a squatter in the neigborhood of his office in Phnom Penh The picture is dated December 14 2007. The link leads to the latest entry of the diary. Please scroll down, if necessary!
The international poster organisation Loesje has started a project to train young people from all over Europe and Asia in how to organise and coordinate information campaigns about the Millennium Development Goals. |
These goals are set by the United Nations to fight poverty and to improve living standards world wide.
Next issue 'The Daily Groove'
on Friday, April 24 2009
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Please also read Cats Talk (42)