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Column 11/2005, April 17 2005 (No. 185)
German version
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You have always to try and see it from the standpoint of the person, who left the traces.
W. Ebeling, H. Engelbrecht: How to fight one's way through

It's already a ritual: In the early morning of the New Year's day I go out into the way. And I am always amazed at the chaos, which I find.
There are hundreds of colored scraps, burst little rolls made of cardboard, thin strips of wood with a little roll at the top, bottles with residues of smoke and powder and many other things.
People fêted New Year's Eve party. Toward midnight more and more people went out into the way. Many children ran around, shouted for joy and cried. The adults drank vine, beer and spirits. They talked to each other in a loud voice. They detonate fireworks.

But most of the people only swept the narrow area between their fence and the middle of the way.
After midnight you heard wishes for the new year. Rockets flew around in the sky. The neighbours clinked their glasses.

In the early morning of the New Year's day I find hundreds of colored scraps, burst little rolls made of cardboard, thin strips of wood with a little roll at the top, bottles with residues of smoke and powder and many other things on the way surface.
In the early morning of the New Year's day it is always very quiet in the way. People have a lie-in and sleep it off. Somebody sweeps away the remains of the fireworks. He (or she) sweeps away not only his (her) own litter but also the litter, which his (her) neighbours dropped.
This year a few days after the New Year's day I walked through my quarter. There was snow. Some people swept the snow away. But most of them only swept the narrow area between their fence and the middle of the way.
(will be continued)

Next issue 'The Daily Groove':
Thursday, May 05 2005

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