A vegetable garden in clay pots in our backyard, # 2
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The editor has some days off from his bread-and-butter job. That's why there is only a little issue this time.
The issue is about his resort. His resort is his own backyard.
One of many ladybug grubs which eat aphids.
A ladybug grub is changing into a beetle.
Strawberries, which grow in a clay pot
Tomatoes, which also grow in a clay pot
A pumpkin plant
Please also read the columns about
a vegetable garden in clay pots in our backyard, # 1
the impact of climate change on our backyard
Please also read Lan Sinneary's report on The Cambodian Diet - Eating then and now on Charlie Dittmeier's website.
Please also take a look at Jeremiah Stanley's photo series about the lack of sanitary water and sanitation in Guatemala.
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Next issue 'The Daily Groove'
Friday, September 24 2010.
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We would like to point out that we translated articles from German into English for the purpose of service. We would like to make it clear that the German translations are deciding, because the articles are directed to users who live in Germany.
Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass wir zu Servicezwecken englische Übersetzungen vorgenommen haben. Klarstellen möchten wir, dass maßgeblich die deutsche Übersetzung ist. Grund dessen ist, dass wir uns an in Deutschland ansässige Nutzer wenden.
Please also read Cats Talk (47)
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