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Issue 31/2005, December 16 2005 (No. 205)
German version
Finds (10)
Fundsachen (10) German version 

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bene est cui deus obtulit Parca quod satis est manu.
Horatius, Carmina (III, 16, 42) Translation

On October 17 2005 I saw a bill on a tree trunk in an area of allotment gardens. The text of the bill was 'Head of a family, 40 years old, energetic and motivated will be glad to carry out manual work for you. My professions are carpenter, masseur and home male nurse.Well versed in stair cleaning, gardening, ...sekeeping. phone: XXXXXXX' When I passed by the tree a few days later, the bill wasn't there any longer.

Bill of a D....tik adviser
On October 26 2005 I saw an other bill on a tree trunk right next to the area of allotments. The text of the bill was 'Find out the real cause of depressions, stress , Obsessions. D....tik adviser will be glad to help you. (D....tik: dia=by means of, netik=thinking, so: ''by means of thinking'') phone: XXXXXXXXXX' On that particular day I saw a bill with the same text on a lamppost not far away from the tree. By the way - The science of D....tik is the doctrine of a disputed religious community.

From a poster, which advertised for TV series
On that day I also saw a poster at a bus stop. There was a big writing on the poster 'YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU LIKE!' Below that writing was an other small writing 'EXCEPT WORKING'.

Bill of a job-seeker
Above those writings was a very small writing 'Rule No 48 for dignitaries'.
Below those writings was a photograph of a smiling young woman. She had summer clothing on. She was at the helm of a vintage car. Below the picture was written 'Adventure 1927 - in the summer resort'
There was also the logo of a television channel under public law on the poster. The broadcasting times of the TV series 'Adventure 1927' were also pointed out.

Scrap of a bill of the job-seeker
On December 12 2005 I saw a scrap of a bill on a lamppost in a neighbouring quarter. I could make out the words '40 years old, energetic and motivated'.
(My wife Christine helped me to translate the text. Thanks.)
(to be continued)

  Happy the man to whom God gives with a sparing hand what is sufficient for his wants.
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The next issue 'The Daily Groove':
Thursday, December 29 2005

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We would like to point out that we translated articles from German into English for the purpose of service. We would like to make it clear that the German translations are deciding, because the articles are directed to users who live in Germany.

Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass wir zu Servicezwecken englische Übersetzungen vorgenommen haben. Klarstellen möchten wir, dass maßgeblich die deutsche Übersetzung ist. Grund dessen ist, dass wir uns an in Deutschland ansässige Nutzer wenden.

Please also read Cats Talk (28)
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