
A view of a part of an area which was leveled for a new DIY superstore at the Stresemann Road in Bremen.
In the background you see the department of civic services (on the left) and the Stresemann Road (on the right).
At the Stresemann Road, not far away from ‚Klein Mexiko', there is at present an extensive area which has been covered with sand. No tree, no shrub, no blade of grass is to be seen. An inscription on containers at the edge of the area says that DIY superstore is to be constructed on the area. In the end a DIY superstore is only a big shop where people can buy goods which they use to build or renovate their house which perhaps increases land consumption. If the entire leveled area is utilized for halls and parking lots, a building with staggering proportions will rise. If people like the store, the traffic density in the neighboring roads will rise. Quite near to this area there is already an other DIY superstore the proportions of which you can truly describe as huge.
There were still buildings with the prideful inscription ‚German Post' at this area a few months ago. The posthorn logo beside the inscrption reminded me of the bygone times when the ‚German Post' had still been state-owned monopoly company which didn't need to share the market with privat postal operators.
On the area there was a long alignment of loading ramps where trucks of forwarding agencies and postal service companies were charged and discharged. There was also a post office branch.. Now there is a post office branch in a mall which is 1 km away from the area. I recall a building complex with storehouses and workshops. In this complex there were also the rooms of a food bank.This welfare institution moved to a comercial area which is quite a lot further out of town.
Please also read -
Visual Axes in Woltmershausen and Rablinghausen in Bremen/ Germany
Visual Axis From Frauenburger Weg to the Power Station Hastedt
Charlie Dittmeier's report on houses in the Kampong Cham province in Cambodia .
Cats Talk (48)
Next issue 'The Daily Groove'
Monday, January 24 2011.
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