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Issue 6/2006, March 13 2006 (No. 212)
German version
Finds (12)
Fundsachen (12) German version 

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'It is thus a business of state to 'activate' citizens to help themselves, to make citizens 'marketable' and to 'host' the discussion of all those representives of interests who can express themselves (in a loud voice) and who speak out in favor of aims which are compatible with globalisation.'
From an article about the policy of the 'Third way' by Birgit Mahnkopf: 'Formula-one of the New social democracy. Fairness by inequality.'

Wrong life cannot be lived rightly.
Theodor W. Adorno's Minima Moralia

'The training is meant for people who don't want to wait for chances from outside any more and who want to start changing themselves. The change of perspective and the instrument of encouragement will help them to decide on new way of thinking and behavior.'
From a leaflet of an 'encouraging coach' (Bremen)
'I'll give you professional support
    for tracking down your personal aims and sources of strength
    for stress and burnout
    for self-actualization!'
From a leaflet of a non-medical practitioner in psychotherapy
'The source of strength is the inner place, in which one can be completely identical with oneself, both free and secure ... I'll accompany you on your way to find your unique self and to live your unique life.'
Highlighted sentences from a leaflet of a non-medical practitioner in psychotherapy (Bremen)
'Success which originates from your inner being - visions of fulfilling occupational activity      What's that? What's my vocation? What are the professional goals I want to strive for? What are my talents and my good points? Step towards fulfilling activity'
Highlighted sentences from a leaflet of a careers guidance institute (Bremen and other places)
'Find yourself surrounded        You will make a suspenseful voyage of discovery - on which you can get things straight concerning your visions and your goals.

An advertising angel of a centre for spirituality, alternative therapies and esoteric articles (Bremen)
XYZ, an adverising expert and communications coach, depicts the substance of his training 'Who exactly knows, what he can offer and what are the unique advantages of his offer in the market, has more chances to forge ahead successfully, either as an employee or as a self-employed person.' '
From a leaflet of an adverising expert and communications coach (Bremen)
We accompany the client in a target-oriented and solution-oriented counseling process.Following the maxim that the venue of the solution lies within oneself, we aid the client to gain realizations and to find solutions which arise from the bottom of their heart. (..) Our time is even more demanding from people personality development, personal responsibility, self-management, increasing standard, more social and private activities, interest in other people, in other cultures and in world affairs.
From an adverising brochure of an Kinesiology Academy (Oldenburg)
(I translated the psychological lyricisms to the best of my knowledge and belief, but I can't make any guarantees. My wife Christine helped me to translate the text. Thanks.)
(to be continued)

Finds 3

Finds 13

The next issue 'The Daily Groove'
Thursday, April 27 2006

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Please also read Cats Talk (30)
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