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Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar The citizen who sees his society's democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry out is not a patriot but a traitor. Mark Twain At present the parties are running a state election campaign in Bremen. At the roadside you often see a lot of election posters. On a poster of a big ruling party a boyish, softly smiling man with rimless glasses is presenting himself. He is casually wearing no jacket. His shirt has been pushed up a little bit behind the collar. His head and his neck are looking a little bit small in comparision with his clothes. Altogether he is looking like a white collar worker. Near to his shoulders is a quite bold writing ' A powerful mayor' . Near to the logo is a writing 'Powerful Bremen'. The German word the advertising experts used for 'powerful' is 'stark'. 'Stark' is a word which in the first place refers to physical strength and physical power. In the figurative sense it also refers to mental traits, economic, political and social power. ![]() The word 'stark' is also being used in a figurative sense on another poster of that party. 'Our state is powerful, we add new jobs to our state.' The poster is showing two workers in front of a huge bow. In reality the importance of the shipbuilding industry has been falling off for the last years, especially because two big shipyards were closed down. The importance of the ports of Bremen has also been falling off in comparision with the golden age in the fifties and sixties. A harbour basin was even filled up a few years ago. But there has been a growth in goods transshipped for the last years. This advertising by means of the ports and the shipbuilding industry is contrasting with the declarations of almost all politicians of allmost all parties. They often declare that they are going to promote information technology. ![]() Another poster shows the number one candidate of the other big ruling party. Behind him you can see the blue sky and blurred shadow of the cathedral of Bremen. He has a soft well-fed face of a white collar worker and grey hair. He is wearing rimless glasses and a dark blue jacket. He is smiling as a person smiles who has to smile. He has lifted his right hand as if he is speaking to the people or affablely inviting them. But you can see that this gesture isn't spontaneous. The gesture suits to the message of the poster. The writing on the poster informs the people of the name of the candidate and of the party. |
![]() It furthermore only informs them of the place, the time, the date and the participants of an election rally. It doesn't inform of the subject of the election rally. ![]() At present there are only three small opposition parties at the state parliament. On the poster of an oppostion party is the large-format portray of the head of a leading candidate. At the top of the poster is the writing 'The alternative for Bremen: Karo XYZ'. This writing is noteworthy for two points of view. Firstly the leading candidate is called by her pet name 'Karo'. Her name in full is 'Karoline'. Secondly a single person is offered some hundred thousand voters, who altogether also have a lot of intelligence, as an alternative to the ruling grand coalition. ![]() A poster of an other opposition party shows the portray of a quite young man. He is very proudly smiling at the public and seems to have no self-doubt. His broad smile is almost a grin. His pride is almost impudence. The motto of the poster suits to the face 'Action instead of talk'. (My wife Christine helped me to translate the text. Thanks.) Please also read: Slogans (16) Slogans (17) Slogans (27) Slogans (28) Writing for the web (17) Writing for the web (19) Writing for the web (25) Please also read Charlie Dittmeier's reports on the Commune Council Elections in Cambodia in 2007. His first report is dated March 31 2007. The further reports are dated April 1 and April 4 2007. The link leads to the latest entry of the diary. Please scroll down. Next issue 'The Daily Groove' on Thursday, May 17 2007 < previous issue next issue > We would like to point out that we translated articles from German into English for the purpose of service. We would like to make it clear that the German translations are deciding, because the articles are directed to users who live in Germany. Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass wir zu Servicezwecken englische Übersetzungen vorgenommen haben. Klarstellen möchten wir, dass maßgeblich die deutsche Übersetzung ist. Grund dessen ist, dass wir uns an in Deutschland ansässige Nutzer wenden. Please also read Cats Talk (34) |
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